Deloitte “IMPACT DAY” – A Participant’s Perspective

Written by: Chinyere Amaechina

Impact Day is held to celebrate Deloitte’s year-round commitment to local communities. Member firms around the world host Impact Day activities where Deloitte professionals spend the day volunteering. When I received an email from the Black Female Accountants Network inviting me to attend the Deloitte Impact Day, I immediately completed my registration because I saw it as an opportunity to network and connect with people who could make a difference in my career. My resume, in recent times has gone through a lot of changes without being critiqued by professionals and this event I felt was an opportunity for my resume to be reviewed.


Another reason I attended the event was the opportunity to meet with the partners of Deloitte who have built their careers in consulting which is my long-term career goal. I wanted to find out from them, the challenges they faced to get to this point of their career and how they were able to overcome those challenges.

My resume was reviewed by the partner assigned to me and he also conducted a mock interview with me. The feedback I got from these 2 sessions helped build my confidence in my job application process. It helped me to improve on my elevator pitch and also adjust my resume appropriately. The speed networking I had with 2 other partners gave me more insight into Deloitte as an organization as they explained to me their roles in the organization and how they achieved that level of their career.


My short-term career goal is to use my skills to get a job in an organization that encourages learning new skills both for career and organizational growth while my long-term career goal is to be a governance, risk and compliance consultant.


I learned that networking is very important for career growth and that you need people to achieve your purpose in life. I also learned that one should always attend a resume clinic for a review of your resume especially if you are not getting interview invites and that your elevator pitch can make or mar you as this is when you create the first impression for the interviewer. I also learned that one should look out for volunteer jobs/roles as this could be a lead to the dream job and that one should also be open to learning new skills while not discounting any job as there may be transferrable skills therein.

I would always recommend this event to anybody because it could open doors to other opportunities.



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